Sunlight is attenuated by leaves and each vertical layer of leaf blocks attenuates the light further.When placed, water, ice, leaves, slime blocks, honey blocks, and cobwebs obstruct that light column so that the lowest air block above the leaves acts as other light sources do. The light level from sunlight or moonlight is the same in each block of air in the column of air above the highest obstruction in the column.In Bedrock Edition, water and ice have a -1 modifier to light propagation, on top of the normal decrease of 1 per block.Water, ice, leaves, slime blocks, honey blocks, and cobwebs do not have any extra effect on block light, but they do diffuse sky light.This is usually unnoticeable since lava has the maximum light level of 15. Lava is set to completely block light propagation.In other words, light passes through them as if it were air. Glass and carpets do not reduce the light passing through them, i.e.Some transparent blocks can reduce or block light, according to type:.Bats cannot hang on transparent blocks.slime particles) fall through non-solid blocks, but stop on opaque blocks. Particles that are affected by gravity (e.g.Ghast fireball explosions start fires only on opaque blocks.The door's hinge, by default, is on the half of the block where the player was pointing, but if there is an opaque wall on one side and not the other, the hinge appears on the side with the opaque wall, regardless of where the player was pointing. Opacity affects door orientation when placed.Tree leaves can overwrite transparent blocks when they grow, but they do not overwrite opaque blocks.If a transparent block can carry redstone wire, it acts as a diode, carrying power upward but not downward.Only opaque blocks can be powered by power components or transmission components (see list of redstone components).Opaque blocks overhead can prevent redstone wires from connecting to each other.Redstone behavior (see Redstone circuit and its subpages for details):.However, if one of the surrounding blocks is transparent, the water shows a downward current on its side, like a waterfall, although swim speed through that water remains unchanged. Water that is completely surrounded by water or opaque blocks does not have a current.They are not affected by transparent blocks. Chests cannot be opened if there is an opaque block on top of them.However, they can spawn inside a non-solid transparent block, such as flowers. Mobs cannot spawn on transparent blocks, nor spawn inside opaque blocks.
Full placement rules can be found at Opacity/Placement.Minecraft does not have a "solid" property on blocks, so opacity is tested when a test for "solidity" would normally occur. By this definition, transparency does not imply that a block is actually see-through, which is a quality of the item texture specified by the game or resource pack.Ī lot of the effects of opacity are non-obvious. Opaque blocks completely prevent light from traveling through them, while transparent blocks generally diminish the light by one light level per block (these value can be overridden however, and there are several exceptions). Opacity also affects how light propagates through the world. Thus, transparency applies not only to solid blocks like ice and glass, but also to blocks like cacti, stairs, chests, and single slabs, which are not considered full blocks. The primary purpose of opacity is to tell the game engine if it needs to draw behind the block an opaque block completely obscures the view behind it, while a transparent block does not.